IPFS File Upload — using Moralis

A guide on IPFS file upload using Moralis Server as well as Cloud Functions

If you have no account on Moralis yet, get a free account as follows:

Go to Moralis Login

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Moralis Sign Up or Sign In

Create a new server

Moralis Server

Select the chains to work with

Moralis Instance

Copy Server Details(Server URL, Application ID and Master Key)

Master key
Moralis Server Details

Start Moralis Server

const express = require(“express”);
const Moralis = require(“moralis/node”);
const app = express();
const {
} = process.env;
const port = PORT || 8000;
const upload = multer({ dest: __dirname + “/public/uploads/” });
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
app.listen(port, async () => {
   await Moralis.start({
      serverUrl: MORALIS_SERVER_URL,
      appId: MORALIS_APP_ID,
      masterKey: MORALIS_MASTER_KEY,

.env file should be like below:

MORALIS_SERVER_URL = `moralis server url`
MORALIS_APP_ID = `moralis application Id`
MORALIS_MASTER_KEY = `moralis master key`

Moralis provides two ways of approach to upload files to IPFS:

  1. Using saveIPFS() method of Moralis server
  2. Using Cloud Functions

1. Using saveIPFS() method of Moralis server

File Upload

const uploadFile = async (req, res, next) => {
    const { originalname: name, mimetype } = req.file;        
    fs.readFile(req.file.path, async (err, buffer) => { 
       const data = Array.from(Buffer.from(buffer, “binary”));
       const file = new Moralis.File(name, data, mimetype);
       await file.saveIPFS({ useMasterKey: true });
       return file.ipfs();
---------------------------------You will get a response of ipfs url like below:

Json Upload

const uploadJson = async (req, res, next) => {
    const jsonMetadata = {
        name: "Female Bust",
        description: "Female Bust 3D model",
   const toBtoa =      
   const file = new Moralis.File("FemaleBust.json", 
                { base64: toBtoa });
   await file.saveIPFS({ useMasterKey: true });
   return file.ipfs();
---------------------------------You will get a response of ipfs url like below:

2. Using Cloud Functions

Format of a normal cloud function should be as below:

Function Definition
-----------------------------Moralis.Cloud.define(function_name, async (request) => {});You can access the params like request.params.[key]
Function call
const params = {"key": "value"};await Moralis.Cloud.run(function_name, params);

Create a folder /cloud and a file cloud.js inside it.

Write your cloud functions on that file.

Moralis.Cloud.define(“ipfsbinary”, async (request) => {    const result = await Moralis.Cloud.define(“ipfsbinary”, async (request) => {
    const result = await Moralis.Cloud.toIpfs({
       sourceType: “base64Binary”,
       source: request.params.image,
    return result;
Moralis.Cloud.define(“ipfsjson”, async (request) => {
    const result = await Moralis.Cloud.toIpfs({
       sourceType: “object”,
       source: request.params.metadata,
    return result;

Now we can call the cloud functions from our file.

File Upload

const uploadFile = async (req, res, next) => {
const uploadFile = async (req, res, next) => {
    fs.readFile(req.file.path, async (err, buffer) => {
        const image = buffer.toString(“base64”);
        const ipfsImagePath = await Moralis.Cloud.run(“ipfsbinary”,    
                              { image });
        return ipfsImagePath;
You will get a response like below:
   path: "https://ipfs.moralis.io:2053/ipfs/QmdPcF1r86v28PeJMxdxHbKQA17qBhW3W5s6DHGvxukdPv"

Json Upload

const uploadJson = async (req, res, next) => {
      const metadata = {
        name: "Female Bust",
        description: "Female Bust 3D model",
      const ipfsJsonPath = await Moralis.Cloud.run(“ipfsjson”,  
                           { metadata});
      return ipfsJsonPath;
You will get a response like below:
   path: "https://ipfs.moralis.io:2053/ipfs/QmdPcF1r86v28PeJMxdxHbKQA17qBhW3W5s6DHGvxukdPv"